众所周知,中国对美国的出口很大. But lost in the headlines about the prickly relationship between the two countries is how much the U.S. 对中国出口.

而贸易平衡仍然对中国有利, the United States exports more to China each year than anywhere else in the world except Canada and Mexico—more than $150 billion in 2022, 占7.百分之五的美国人.S. exports, 根据工业安全局的说法 (BIS).

这些出口产品通常不是消费品, but rather agricultural products; industrial materials like plastics and chemicals; and industrial machinery and equipment. 尽管近年来对中国的出口实施了重大的额外控制, little of it is highly controlled; in 2022, 98.6%的美国人.S. 对中国出口 were classified either as EAR99 or in an Export Control 分类 Number (ECCN) qualifying for shipment with 不需要许可证 (NLR).

但两国之间令人担忧的关系, 以及全球政治集团之间日益扩大的分歧.S./NATO vs. 粗略地说,俄罗斯/中国可能会对美国的出口管制造成混乱.S.-原产地和其他运往中国的物品.

有关向中国出口的概述,请参阅相关帖子, 遵守U.S. 对中国的出口管制-成功的三个策略. 要了解过去几年对华出口环境的最新变化,请往下读.


中国一直处于美国的经济危机之下.S. arms embargo since the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989. 这意味着与中国实际上没有国防贸易. 根据ITAR向中国出口的任何许可证申请都会遭到拒绝.

此外,为了美国的目的.S. 香港一直实行出口管制,包括国际贸易法 被剥夺了以前的地位 作为一个独特的目的地,现在被当作中国其他地区一样对待.


有些人认为这种禁运在某种程度上延伸到所有受EAR约束的物品. 事实并非如此. 但你可以原谅这个错误,因为粗略地看一下中国的条目 商业国家图,其中列出了每个国家适用的EAR控制原因,显示了许多x. (请记住:“X”表示eccn需要许可证,并附有相应的控制理由.)

新的控制措施也在定期增加. 例如,BIS recently imposed a license requirement on items controlled unilaterally for nuclear nonproliferation reasons by inserting an X in China’s Nuclear 核不扩散 Column 2尽管中国仍然是48国核供应国集团的成员.

的相关项添加了其他控件 先进的计算 and 半导体制造—part of a two-pronged push by the federal government to 1) make it harder for China to obtain sensitive U.S. 2)提高美国的经济实力.S. 在国内生产这些产品的能力.

作为EAR控制的一部分, all items classified in 600 series (military) and 9×515 (space) ECCNs require a license for China. 你会想要确保你在中国的业务得到了适当的授权, 因为所有出口《十大网赌正规网址》内的物品, 不管值是多少, 必须使用自动出口系统(AES)向政府报告.


The 外国直接产品规则 (FDPRs) are the mechanism by which BIS extends the scope of the EAR beyond U.S.-origin items to control the reexport and transfer of foreign-made items if their production involves certain U.S. 技术、软件或设备. 根据目的地、各方或所涉活动的不同,规则的适用可能有所不同. [详情请参阅相关文章: 了解外国直接产品规则.]

近年来,这些规则得到了极大的扩展. 它们现在有几种不同的形式,并且变得更加重要, 同时也是混乱的来源. 9项外商直接投资计划中有7项适用于中国或中国实体,包括:

  • 国家安全,9×515和600系列FDPRs 渲染了一系列外国制造的军民两用, 受《赌博十大排名官方网站》管制的太空及军事物品,以便再出口或转移至中国.
  • 实体列表FDPR 瞄准了包括华为在内的中国科技巨头, 必仁科技和龙芯科技-包括非美国十大网赌正规网址.S.-采用特定第3、4及5类eccn管制的技术及软件制造的原产货品.
  • 俄罗斯/白俄罗斯-军事终端用户FDPR includes several Chinese entities for what BIS alleges are their contributions to Russia’s military or defense industrial base. 该FDPR具有特别广泛的产品范围,可适用于非美国.S.-origin item that is a direct product of technology or software subject to the EAR and classified in any ECCN.
  • 修订后的高级计算和超级计算机FDPRs 针对技术或软件的直接产品-按某些类别确定, 4和5个eccn -运往中国. 先进计算FDPR也可以适用于中国实体在任何国家的关联十大网赌正规网址.

国际清算银行已明确表示有意执行FDPRs. 2023年,数据存储十大网赌正规网址希捷科技被罚款3亿美元 这是国际清算银行历史上最大的单独行政处罚 他因向中国电信巨头华为转口硬盘而获奖.


Looking for restricted parties is one of the more labor-intensive aspects of an export compliance process. 很难给出中国派对的确切数量, 香港或澳门已被列入受限制方名单[见相关帖子: 了解各种限制派对名单]. 但大约有2000家,其中包括一些大型、成熟的跨国运营商. 在bis维护的所有列表中都有许多中文条目:实体列表, 被拒绝人员名单, 未经核实的名单和军事最终用户名单.

因此,在确定出口是否有资格获得NLR或许可例外之后, make sure to conduct a thorough search for any end-use or end-user-based restrictions that prohibit the export.

值得注意的是: The 特别指定国民名单, 由外国资产控制办公室(OFAC)维护, 含有一些放射性最强的非美国核物质.S. 受美国制裁的实体.S. 许多十大网赌正规网址与受到全面制裁的政府有关联, 毒品走私, 恐怖主义和侵犯人权. U.S. 十大网赌正规网址绝对不能和他们做生意.

但OFAC也有其他名单. 其中一个较新的是 非sdn中国军工综合体十大网赌正规网址名单(NS-CMIC). 该法案于2021年成立,是禁止美国非法移民的努力的一部分.S. 对中国军工综合体的投资, 这对出口管制没有直接影响. 然而,如果你使用政府的 综合筛选名单 寻找受限制的当事人, 或者如果你支付商业服务来帮助搜索, NS-CMIC列表中的实体将与SDN列表中的实体一起显示.

所以要仔细看筛查结果. A name that shows up from the NS-CMIC is prohibited from receiving financial investments—but not necessarily from receiving EAR-controlled exports. Still, it may be wise to consider reputational or other risks when doing permissible business with a company on any restricted party list.

许多出口到中国的货物也受到EAR的影响 军事最终用途规则 (MEU), which imposes a license requirement on export, reexports and transfers of items identified in 补充不. 2 to Part 744 of the EAR when the shipper knows the item is intended for a military end-use or a military end-user.

MEU规则现在适用于比以前更多的项目, 包括一些广泛应用的eccn,如3A991(微处理器), 集成电路), 5A992/5D992(大众市场加密)和9A991(许多飞机部件).



中国与严格遵守美国法律的国家做生意有着悠久的历史.S. sanctions, such as 朝鲜 and Iran; and it has long presented an elevated risk that exports will be diverted for an unauthorized end use or end user.

例如,在2024年1月 司法部起诉了四名中国公民 涉嫌密谋走私美国毒品.S.-origin electronic components to Iran’s military by first sending them through Hong Kong and China. 据美国司法部称,这些活动至少从2007年开始,一直持续到2020年. 如果罪名成立,被告将面临可能超过30年的监禁.

曾几何时,对俄罗斯和中国的出口管制具有可比性. But since Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea and especially its 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine, tight export controls to Russia have been imposed on such a wide range of items that it’s become comparatively easier to export to China.

Given the strong China-Russia relationship and Russia’s need for goods to support arms production, regulators are serious about enforcement of rules around unauthorized reexports to Russia; and China is considered a country of concern.


So many supply chains run through China that it can be difficult to identify and prevent export violations. Many U.S. 这些十大网赌正规网址通常会将图纸和文件传递给中国十大网赌正规网址,以获得报价, 生产产品并与附属十大网赌正规网址合作. 你不未经授权向中国出口敏感物品是不够的. 你应该注意确保你的供应链中没有其他人这样做.

确实发生了. In 2022, BIS发出临时拒绝令(TDO) – one of the harshest civil sanctions available – temporarily suspending all export privileges of Quicksilver Manufacturing Inc. 还有两家相关十大网赌正规网址. The reason: Multiple instances when Quicksilver or its affiliates shared technical drawings and 3D-CAD files of military and space-related components to partners in China. The situation was only discovered after one company ordered sensitive parts from Quicksilver and received them with labeling indicating they were shipped from China.

2023年2月, 3D Systems – a pioneer in 3D printing – accepted a $27 million settlement for much the same thing, 根据BIS:向其中国附属十大网赌正规网址输出受《十大网赌正规网址》及《赌博十大排名官方网站》规管的设计及技术资料, 等, 获取生产报价.

结论是,采购是当今供应链环境中的一个主要风险. You need strong internal controls against the inadvertent export of information while doing everyday business. 甚至电子邮件和云服务也存在风险. [参见相关文章: 导航云计算的出口含义.]


If technology or software source code subject to the EAR is provided to a foreign person in the United States, 它被视为对那个人的祖国的出口. Some fairly common technologies and software may trigger license requirements before sharing with Chinese nationals—particularly those related to aerospace, 电信, 半导体及其他电子产品.

许多中国学生在美国大学攻读本科和研究生课程.S. 大学,然后寻求加入美国.S. workforce, 因此,虽然被视为出口的要求并不仅限于中国人, 他们经常与他们一起出现.

When a company hires a foreign person and needs to provide that person with access to technology or software which requires a license to China, 取得视同出口许可证. It’s a reasonably routine process; BIS authorized about 1,2022年将获得350张出口许可证, 其中35%涉及中国公民.

If your company hires foreign nationals and handles technology or software that requires any kind of export license, obtaining deemed export licenses when appropriate and strictly controlling access to sensitive information are important compliance issues.

It’s worth mentioning that there is also such a thing as a “deemed reexport”—a similar concept to a deemed export that may arise with technology or software releases outside the U.S. 例如, if a Singaporean company wants to release certain controlled technology or software subject to the EAR to its Chinese employee, 这可能被视为出口,需要获得许可.


您对出口到中国内地、香港或澳门有什么赌博十大排名官方网站吗? Visit 6s7h.flcoastline.com 了解我们的十大网赌正规网址,我们的教师,我们的员工和我们尊敬的人 出口合规专家(ECoP®)赌博十大排名官方网站计划. 找到即将到来的 e-seminars现场赌博十大排名官方网站 in the U.S.美国、欧洲和其他地区 生活在线赌博十大排名官方网站, and 浏览我们的目录75+按需网络赌博十大排名官方网站参观我们的ECTI学院. 您也可以致电出口合规培训学院 540-433-3977 了解更多信息.

斯科特Gearity 是ECTI十大网赌正规网址的总裁.
